
Zombies in spaceland super easter egg
Zombies in spaceland super easter egg

zombies in spaceland super easter egg

If you shoot every light, and the UFO is above the Pack-A-Punch teleporter, a beam should destroy the UFO.

zombies in spaceland super easter egg

You have to turn the lights from Blue to Yellow, and have to shoot them with a double Pack-A-Punched weapon.Get the UFO above the Pack-A-Punch teleporter and shoot the blue lights on the arch between the spawn area and the Pack-A-Punch area. The UFO will now be hostile and will start shooting lasers at you.You can now double Pack-A-Punch weapons, go to the Pack-A-Punch machine and do it immediately.Repeat this three times until you have killed it. The Alien will eventually go down on one knee and have a shield around it.To slow the Alien down, you will have to shoot the horde of zombies it spawns in.Its chest piece will go from Green to Yellow to Red, letting you know that you are damaging it. After you successfully do that, an Alien will spawn in.The ship will blink if you have successfully completed it, but if you fail a Brute will spawn in. It's best to write down what color each of the spots around the Pack-A-Punch are to find out the best route to run. Repeat the colors from the UFO, if you do it successfully the UFO will fly over you.There's also a spot on the steps leading into the Pack-A-Punch room. Place the items he has given you on the golden spots around the Pack-A-Punch machine.Survive until next round and then receive the items back from Hasselhoff.Once you have defended the SETI-COM successfully three times, give it back to Hasselhoff.Do this three times, in three different locations. Place the SETI-COM on the ground and defend it until the timer finishes.Wherever your screen shakes is where you will do the next step at! Now go run around the park and check these areas: The Fountain, Gator Fountain, Bumper Cars, Underground, Journey Into Space Entrance, Racin' Stripes.It will start flashing colors, remember the tones and colors! Survive until the next round and look at the UFO beside Polar Peak.Collect all pieces for the SETI-COM and give it to Hasselhoff.This is by far the most involved activity in Zombies in Spaceland - collecting it will unlock the Sooooul Key Achievement/Trophy.

Zombies in spaceland super easter egg